I MADE MY OWN CLEARS #honda #civic #8thgen #cleartails #car #diy #shorts

I MADE MY OWN CLEARS #honda #civic #8thgen #cleartails #car #diy #shorts


@huddystafford says:

It look like shit how the fuck do u like that

@justinhodge4014 says:

looks awful

@ColinLuter says:


@theboganteen8899 says:

Clears make a car look cheap

@abhinavkumar0144 says:


@wilf_ says:

Lower that shit now… looks like its in stilts

@deejooo8213 says:

You know what I love about this guy and why I support his business… As weird as it sounds it's his voice (personality) if I went blind and this guy walked past me on the street I would be like yooooooooo sign these kizzzys brooo

@RomoMalo says:

For those who don't want to risk it just buy Aztec style taillights. The bulbs are red and are perfectly legal

@nikopalonen92 says:

Well you said it, ricer.

@FRD-zj6zi says:

Absolute ricer

@unclewithveryseriouslumbago says:

Yea you doing a great job in blinding other people on the road. Just don't wonder when u get pulled over the whole time

@largeboseheadphone6494 says:

Give up. Don’t touch another car. You’re not made for this.

@billymanilli says:

I'm on the side that doesn't really care for them…

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