Honda Pilot Car Stereo Removal and Repair 2003-2005

Honda Pilot Car Stereo Removal and Repair 2003-2005

F R E E – R E P A I R – E S T I M A T E S



Song Zhao says:

your instructions was perfect. I worked on my pilot’s radio for the first
time, and it took less than 30 min to get to the connector. Thank you.

hemsa ahmed says:

Thank you so much u made it so easy that I changed the stereo myself

RaceImmer says:

When you start to remove the trim with the pry tool (bottom right) you
block the view of the camera with your left hand. Not good.

hemsa ahmed says:

Hello there I install the stereo on my pilot 2004 put still not taking any
CD or casset . 

preteyes says:

thanks very helpful. I purchased mine used where do I get the code for the

Onry1 says:

You have to contact the dealer for the radio code if it isn’t in your
owners manual…

jscherbatskoy says:

I could have used more information on how the trim clipswork and are
disconnected. I figured it out, but you made it look VERY simple.

Factory Car Stereo Repair says:

Call your local dealership with the serial number from the stereo.

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