Honda How To leaky ac valve replacement

Honda How To leaky ac valve replacement

Even small leaks can drain your ac system a lot of times its a easy fix by replacing the leaky valves. Some wd 40 or even water can tell you if its leaking. …



respl78n82 says:

How do you replace the low AC pipe on a 96 Honda Civic? It’s the part that
goes into the dash of the car. I can’t find any help on.

Richard Daley says:

What the name of the tool your using 

chris fettig says:

what valve stem part number did you use? or where did you obtain it from?
great video! 1 of my civic’s vs is leaking and I think I will try
tightening it first maybe…

Armando Hernandez says:

First of all, thanks for the vid! Secondly, like the other viewers, I’d
like to know the name of the tool uoubuse and where can I get it.

Triangles says:

It’s advertising that it will get colder faster. Not that it will get
colder. The can clearly reads “colder 50% faster” not “50% colder faster”
as you state.

sam says:

Hey buddy, I have honda odessey 2007. I need to replace leaky high end
valve. Is it the same valve as any tire pressure valve or I need to buy it
at dealership. Thanks

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