Honda Civic Car Stereo Removal and Repair 2006 2011

Honda Civic Car Stereo Removal and Repair 2006 2011

F R E E – R E P A I R – E S T I M A T E S



GEO3535 says:

great and helpful vid

Daniel Lanteigne says:

Why do we need to leave the key on?

Rafael Cardona says:

Muchas gracias amigo!!!

oldrestless says:

Looks like I’m going to give this a try. I do fear not being able to put it
back together. Those plugs and wires you removed for the airbag light,
hazard etc. Are they easy to tell where they go when you plug them back in?
Are they all different shape or is this a chance for confusion?

prsaxeman says:

Guys, if you are getting ‘Disc Error’ coming up when you load a CD, try the
following. First, get a CD lens cleaner. This worked for me until
eventually even that CD would not load and just brought up the ‘Disc Error’
again. The Honda dealer told me it was toast and to get a new one, so I
tried one last thing – a $5 tin of compressed air from a cptr store. I
attached the supplied tube and blasted through the CD player slot – instant
cure. Worth a try, might work for you as well.

Jeff Taylor says:

Does anyone know the make/model of the ratcheting tool?

TheTechyTuts says:

i want to replace it with a car receiver? can you a video of how to do it
and what are the materials needed?

ภาคภูมิ อัครพันธ์ไพโรจน์ says:

Thank you

8Jallin says:

how do you fix the “no display” ?

zerodark ferretiz says:

yea im going to do it them its been a while since cd get stuck in there, so
i cant play cd anymore! thanks for the post!

Nick Chau says:

Thumbs up because you guys are bad asses. Also, great video. Very

zerodark ferretiz says:

is it cheaper if u remove it ur self instead of having them do it?

liquidated20 says:

Good video. Detailed instructions. I’ll be installing my stereo and
aftermarket stereo dash-kit this Friday. Wooo!!!

Factory Car Stereo Repair says:

Do it yourself is free, paying anyone to do the job is more. Stereo shops
to the dealership may charge $45-75. Whick is better?

nutssoxfan says:

I can’t get those 2 screws out from under the radio…what tool did you
use? My socket wrench extension is too long I think.

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