1969 GMC heater core replacement

1969 GMC heater core replacement

Having no heat makes for some miserable plowing. Not that we have any snow, mind you, but if we did… Sure nice having heat now, though.



1963impala2dr says:

nice ol truck there Jeff.. I would have rather had a nice little half ton
67-72 short box than a 73 3/4 ton long box to restore… BUT its what I
had… and me and that old truck have been many many miles together since
1987 so.. it has sorta grown on me.. you know.. like a wart

coffeefish says:

The mustard bottle is a good idea.

jim dandy says:

9:56 That’s what she said.

heliarche says:

You’re more than welcome to come and try mine out. The heater actually
works great. The drivers side vacuum powered wiper also works to an extent.
The fact that there’s no drivers side door just means you have enhanced

Joe says:

NOTHING is ever simple or easy is it Jeff???

Donald R. Cossitt says:

I hate it when I drop my nuts in the snow…

Talisman1957 says:

good thing those bottom screws were missing – I had to sneak my arm up
between the inner fender and firewall to get mine out.

MattTheComputerGeek says:

good video as always, keeper up.

dejanira2 says:

if I could find the address I would send for the “theft deterrent sticker”.
Why is it heater cores only die when you need hest?

nitrosport5 says:

Did you say your heater control panel was broke? I’ve got one that I just
took out of my 72. It is cosmeticly rough but the cables worked. Blower
switch didn’t. If you want it message me your address and I’ll send it to

Graveltrucking says:

Changing heater cores is a pain in the ass in the older trucks the new ones
are easier.

30GB says:

i never break a bolt unless its fully seized solid, I usually turn it out
then back in and keep doing it till the bolt fully comes out with little

june201955 says:

@Mr55gasser> Nearly all of the heater cores are now made in China. They
don’t make them with the same durability as when the U.S. did. They tend to
leak not long after any tap water is used in your cooling system. You
should ONLY use anti-freeze and/or distilled water.

Danthefordfixer says:

heater cores, they never seem to make the same one twice.

ElderlyIron says:

Customize your message

Rusty Shackelford says:

Ahh heat ain’t that a nice thing.

Lawrence Eich says:

We need to Boycott Chinese Auto Parts & Food and fish sourced from China !
Poor Quality on Both points !!! 

mjmcomputers says:

After 10 years with no heat, it should seem like a sauna in there now. 

n. woody says:

Spray a little P B Blaster on it and Put a small amount of heat.

Deke1 says:

another video masterpiece!!

canvids1 says:

did you remember to tighten the bolts in the right rear hood hinge? LOL
you put them in finger tight so it would not fall on you!

xCapriceClassic79x says:

can you make a video on the car in front of the gmc

William Holzknecht says:

You could remove the blower motor so the seal could be inserted properly to
the cowl.

Ron Schultz says:

You know its too bad you can’t talk your wife into letting you bring small
parts like that into the house where its warm. The back porch or mud room
would be an ideal place to warm up that seal.

The Shade Tree Fix-it Man says:

All is well that ends well, as most of your videos do! Time to do the happy
dance don’t you think?

T.W. Milburn says:

Yup, Jeff ‘yer like Larry “Got-R-Done”

MrBredwagon says:

Classic last words– I thought I fixed all this!

andrewkiwi1 says:

I hate crap parts that don’t fit or work the way they should. This is the
fun i had Holleys remanufactured carbs. The box it came in was the best
thing about it. Metering block full of bead blasting sand, returned it and
got another one, blocked metering block full of corrosion, third one bent
throttle shaft. threw the carb at the parts guy and got a brand new one for
the same price. Found out later the dealer had been ripped off and they
werent from colt industries at all even though they had come in holley

Mr55Gasser says:

Its getting hard to find the good old style brass and copper heater cores.
I still need a new one for my 81

Mr55Gasser says:

Core replacement on these old chevys are easy. Job well done Jeff !

Five high says:

there is a scratch on your truck

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