2001 Chevrolet Camaro $5 How to Turn Off & Bypass GM VATS Vehicle Security Light No Start Flashing

2001 Chevrolet Camaro $5 How to Turn Off & Bypass GM VATS Vehicle Security Light No Start Flashing

By measuring the resistance on the key you can route a simple resistor in place of the key lock. Simple fix you can easily do for $5.



Deeann Pookie says:

Those are resistors, not diodes.

Wendell Ivey says:

I changed my steering column in my 2000 camaro and it came with a key and
keypad . The keypad isn’t working,and my car won’t start. How can I get the
level of resistance for my computer to sync?

Jack Wheeler says:

my 2002 camaro shut down on me on the road the other day. my security light
has been on for about a year and i knew this day was coming eventually.
well i have done everything in this video and now the car is acting as if i
haven’t done anything, it cranks but wont start. any thoughts on what i
could do before i spend 250 dollars to delete the cars ability to control
the security system and shut my car down??? please help.

Melvin Salaiz says:

Hey there, i did the whole think and it worked for a few days. Now the
security light stays on and the
car does not start…… any suggestions?

Melvin Salaiz says:

i went to radio shack and the guy told me my key has a 680 ohm resistance.
I bought a 680 ohm resistor and it still
doesn’t work? I did everything you did. Would I have to try to reset the

Joseph Phelps says:

Your the man thanks for the info really really helpful:-)

theedrstrangelove says:

anyone with a tech1 scan tool or tuner pro can just disable the feature in
the pcm. i found someone to do it and a few other things for less than 50

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