Thermostat replacement Ford Fusion 2006-2009 2.3L assembly Mazda

Thermostat replacement Ford Fusion 2006-2009 2.3L assembly  Mazda

Thermostat replacement Ford Fusion 2006 2.3L assembly Mazda Compare what you see with your car, video may help you for other models and years 2006, 2007, 200…



Scorpiuszeroone says:

I have an 07 Fusion I4 with a thermostat that is stuck open. My wife took
it to a mechanic and quoted her $600 because he says that not only would
the thermostat need to be replaced but the entire housing. I’m no
mechanic, but I can’t see any reason why the thermostat alone can’t be

Paul Cornell says:

Thanks for the video, getting ready to do this on a 2008

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