Replace Spark Plugs 2003 Ford Expedition

Replace Spark Plugs 2003 Ford Expedition

How you can change spark plugs in a 5.4 Windsor in a Ford Expedition. It took me about eight hours over two days. My engine was misfiring badly. This fixed t…



slysphinx says:

Thanks, that was a very instructive video. In fact, after seeing how difficult and time consuming the job is I might just suck-it-up and pay a regular mechanic to do it (ugh!) as I don’t have the time or patience to fix anything that might break (boot, spark plugs) during the job.

fordwindsor351 says:

The use of antiseize on todays spark plugs is not needed and infact most manufacturers have notices out stating to not use it. Plugs made today and for the past um not sure how many but they are made with a plated material on them that gives the same protection that antiseize did on older plugs. also the use of antiseize has been shown to not allow proper rorque or tightening.

modeyus1984 says:

Ok here are a few quick tips to make your job easier. Instead of a handheld flashlight go with a flashlight that straps to your head. It is a big life saver especially when you need both hands. For the spark plug socket just spray a little wd40 inside the socket to coat the rubber boot on the inside. When ever I’m done unscrewing them I just a magnetic pick up tool and get the plug out. Especially with so much stuff around the engine bay the magnetic tool is a must have. Lol

Kurt S says:

I recall watching another video, regarding removing stuck boots, and the guy said to pull and twist. Well I pulled and twisted like heck and split the boot in half, leaving about 1 inch covering the spark plug. I felt at that moment like I really f_ myself good. I ended up squirting WD40 down the inside of the boot to make a puddle against it and the spark plug. Then a crammed a thin flathead screwdriver down inside between the boot and plug, thus breaking the bond between the boot and plug.

Zoot Suit says:

I feel your pain. two boots broke inside and it was a pain in the neck to get them out. I order a special tool, which is a metal tube that is slightly bigger to the spark plug porcelain to remove the broken boot. number 4 cyc is the only one left.

darkmetallink1 says:

Hahaha, “Well, lucky me, the plug came out”
– In reference to SP #4
Thanks for all the tips, I’m soon to do this on mine.

entregan says:

Thanks! I have the smaller engine but this definitely gave me a heads up on what I will need to go through. Now I know I will have to get new coil packs because I just know am going to rip every boot …

John Hyatt says:

thanks it gave me an idea on what I’m going to have to go through.

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