How To Install A Trailer Hitch On A Car – Ford Focus

How To Install A Trailer Hitch On A Car – Ford Focus

Here is how to install a trailer hitch on a car. I put a trailer hitch on my Ford Focus. It is an easy job to do if you buy a kit that requires no drilling. …



Trt Trailer Sales says:

Find out how to attach a trailer hitch to your car

jouxpane says:

Well done. Great vid. Loved the wire bolt trick.

Greg Davis says:

Congratulations! You finally got “hitched”

hoohoohoblin says:

I haven’t done the wiring yet. So far I only use it to attach a bike rack.

hoohoohoblin says:

I swore I’d never do it again, but I did.

hoohoohoblin says:

You’re welcome. It is a good deal and handy to have. Ground clearance is
pretty good too, going in and out of driveways.

Kevin K. says:

I laughed when you said “even though its pretty thick steel, you can still
bend it with your foot and a crescent wrench.” Great video, you’ve inspired
me to put a rack on my Focus now too!

hoohoohoblin says:


2HHB says:

whatever the hell you call this thing lol

tony ruff says:

Did you find the wiring easy?

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