How to fix a hole in your piston! #howto #mechanic #car #cars #piston #motor #v8 #ford #chevrolet

How to fix a hole in your piston! #howto  #mechanic #car #cars #piston #motor #v8 #ford #chevrolet

Soo you take some JB weld. Put that on the quarter and just glue it right over the hole in the piston and wala it’s fixed!!!!! 🤣

I didn’t actually fix it this way! If your interested I’m making a entire video series about this truck so subscribe to see how I actually fixed this! Thanks for watching!!!



Scufxz says:

This might work but only if it is in the right spot so it doesn’t hit the valves or the spark plug but that’s unlikely

Lucas Celeste says:

Don't forget the sidewall fumbler

Otto Roth says:


MVPisME says:

Been doing this for years but ive found that it fails with anything over 15psi of boost long as you stay under 15 you good

Ben Aaron says:

Bet you think you're smart there, fella. But I can see that you forgot to change your blinker fluid.

dean woolston says:

I hope you're not an aircraft mechanic.

Niles Anders says:

Don't forget the muffler bearing.

ДҜS74Џ says:

This is a stupid ass idea. This adds extra compression in one cylinder, throwing the balance off. Most likely runs terrible, if it even lasts longer than 20 minutes. If your tearing down to fix/build an engine down why would you do this.

Greg Moress says:

Look at Mr. Money Bags, spending an entire quarter when a nickel would do the trick.

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