Front axle replacement Ford Escape 2003 Right front CV axle install remove replace

Front axle replacement Ford Escape 2003 Right front CV axle install remove replace

Front axle replacement Ford Escape 2003 Right front CV axle install remove replace This Channel provides videos for informational purposes only and cannot be…



Benito Caspo says:

This one was easy but most of the time Ford cars are very difficult to
work with!

AuDispEedFrEaK602 says:

Is it the same for 2008

webchez69 says:

You do not seem to know what you are doing and just use pry bars. How about
the replacement part? You just left us with a bunch of parts laying on the
floor. Sorry I cannot give u a thumbs up. Are you a real professional

luis vasquez says:

Best video,thank you very much 

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