Ford F-150 Starter Replacement Walkthrough w/ Tips!

Ford F-150 Starter Replacement Walkthrough  w/ Tips!

I only recommend Motorcraft starters they have proven to be very reliable- (Check fitment guide)
In this video I walk you through replacing the starter on a 2009 F-150. These can be very tight to get to here is what you need to know when changing it out.



jay c says:

did the woman in the pic change it herself?

Donald Tuttle says:

Also 3rd bolt wasn't a problem. Because the last person who replaced starter did not put the bolt back. Can I get by without the 3rd bolt?

Donald Tuttle says:

Thanks for the video. Out of all the videos yours was the most helpful. Your awesome bro

Pastor Lugo says:

Great video. Thanks.

The original Matt Scott says:

Just did mine on my '14. What a pain in the you know what. I said words I haven't said in years. I only bled once, but got quite a few scratches. I think I'll write a letter to Ford this week and let them know what I think of this design.

Thanks for the video though.

The Legend 27 says:

Can you show changing the starter on a 5.4L 3V please?

shogunMR says:

Thanks for this you helped me with my 2010 f150. That top bolt is rough took a good 40 minutes to remove with hardly any room to turn the wrench, the rest wasn't so bad took another 40 min for the rest. Thanks

d r says:

Sounds like he needs a new blend door actuator too.

Bill Lyles says:

Good Afternoon, I really appreciate the videos you put out for us to learn. You are by far the most professional working fords. I have a 2015 F150 with an intermittent start, cranks like the battery is low or the starter is dragging but usually starts. When it does start everything on the instrument panel has reset, like the battery was removed. Thoughts?

Gary Newell says:

do not use never seize in aluminium it causes the bolt to react to the alumimium corosion use die electric grease

ellie cox says:

what makes the battery dead after starting run awhile then battery is dead.. alternator new battery new

Jaypezy Navarro says:

I literally fumbled with all sorts of combinations of extensions untill I saw Brian’s video and I was like wow the most simple combo 6” plus a short socket damm should of known thanks for your video!

Mike Big Baby Browne says:

Thank you for the video my starter just went out 1990 Ford F-150 XLT

J. Sierra says:

I really truly HATE ford….. they are a TRUE PIECE OF SHIT SORRY EXCUSE for a vehicle. I've driven and unfortunately owned different ford vehicles…. and they are all just COMPLETE GARBAGE. The only thing they are good for is to use them as shooting targets….and GARBAGE cans on wheels. FUCK ford…….

Dieter Miller says:

Very helpful video, it took me 3 hours to remove the top bolt, my hand was bleeding there is just not enough room just to give my advice remove the solenoid there are 2 Philips screws and the solenoid pulls right out, now you have more room for your hands but it is still not easy to get to the bolt. I also used a short flexhead ratchet fine tooth. Good luck

James Smith says:

Thanks much for your video. As with all your videos, well presented and right on the money. On my 2006 Ford LTD 5.4L, there was no way to get my hand up and over the starter motor for the top bolt. To solve the problem of access, I took off the wheel well shield and went in under the exhaust manifold from the top. I used a 9" extension on a 3/8ths inch with a swivel head connector. Just enough friction to break torque and just enough visibility to see the bolt . Cheers and Thanks Much.

Junkboy888 says:

Great Video, lol The setting reminds me of working on my Cars in the Dorm parking lot in the Military. lol

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