How to change a fuel pump on a Dodge Neon

How to change a fuel pump on a Dodge Neon

This is a video to show you how to change the fuel pump or remove the gas tank on a 95-99 Dodge Neon.



Samuel Atkins says:

My care is 1996 and looks completely different. I have no plastic ring-lid
to remove. Is it not possible to remove fuel pump without dropping gas

Christopher. Sorenson says:

is this the same for a 2000?

Brett Fish says:

Thank You. My dad and I just dropped the tank , put in a new pump.

madmanL1p says:

First time working on my car. I’m going to the junk yard this weekend and
hopefully find a replacement fuel pump for my car!

David Andrews says:

That is true, however the process is the same. Thanks!


would it be the same for a 1999 plymouth breeze too…

RulfusTheBear says:

I thought it was Online Gamer for a minute there

Michael Callan says:

Siphon the gas from the tank before starting. Put blocks in front of the
front tires so you don’t roll on top of yourself while you’re under the

joe bloiw says:

This guy actually thought that jack automatically went up lol

orgazmo1009 says:

really? you thought the jack automatically lifted the car? the video is
obviously reversed. the jack stand defy gravity and automatically go up too

David Andrews says:

@gt2k4srt4 You could check with a parts store to compare compatibility, I’m
not sure if they are the same. Thanks for the comment!

Brandon O'Shitson says:

How many line does you filter have 2 or 3?

David Andrews says:

It took probably and hour and a half to two hours to complete. I wish that
jack existed, it’s just a normal Harbor Freight jack. I decided to make
this how to video after we were half way done (some footage is reversed).
Notice the person walking backwards around the car. 😉

David Andrews says:

It was, after getting half way through it I decided to make a “How to”
video of it to help people out. I took video of the important parts when
taking it apart and edited it to look like we started the video at the

thebigz198506 says:

How long did all of this take you, and where did you find that jack. Its a
cool jack. I like how it does auto up and controlled down

AJ Suarez says:

Im about to try to do this myself… hopefully i do it right… it doesnt
look too hard.. wish me luck!

bobisme2005 says:

I won a 2003 Neon and this was a very helpful video! Great video editing

David Andrews says:

I would almost bet money on it. Just check with the auto parts store to see
if they use the same fuel pump.

KMFDM781 says:

Holy crap Dave…you’re the bestest! Sweet Corolla in the background…. 🙂

David Andrews says:

@kickflipsk8r489 I haven’t worked on a 2nd gen, but I’m sure they are

RideS2004 says:

this video looks like it was in reverse because when he “jacked up” the car
in the beginning all he did was twist the handle and it went up same with
the jack stands when he put them up they went up on there own… this was
the install backward… and when he lowered the tank he was pumping the jack

David Andrews says:

@IneverJustDie I think it only has the 2. We did not mess with the fuel
filter when we changed the pump. Thanks for the comment!

bsmkm says:

my 95 neon just has the metal locking rings holding the fuel pump. instead
plastic collar; the first neons may not have had that. fyi

David Niswonger says:

That looks like the same fuel tank and sending unit that’s on my 2004 srt4.

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