How to remove the back seats from a Chrysler PT Cruiser step by step

How to remove the back seats from a Chrysler PT Cruiser step by step

Removing rear seat from Chrysler PT Cruiser in 3 easy steps. Demo by Kenny Easterly of “At No End”: taking seats out.



SvenicusGermainus says:

Thank you for this video. It was driving me crazy trying to figure out how
to get those seats out.ο»Ώ

Marcus Fugate says:

Thank you kennyο»Ώ

profg11 says:

This is exactly what I was looking to know — thanks for posting this! πŸ™‚

michael gagnon says:

Thanks guys this was really helpful!

Wolf D says:

Just bought a used PT Cruiser. Thank you for posting this video.

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