Davidsfarm Chrysler New Yorker – Brake Repair

Davidsfarm Chrysler New Yorker – Brake Repair

We wanted to drive the boat known as the 1979 Chrysler Newyorker however it had no brakes. Dave did a fix to that. ++ Ninja – Like Focus – http://www.gogungh…



Steven Lebbing says:

How miles trys to toke to get it to start. It sounded like she started in
the first try? Too bad it’s just siting there with no crab on it. But i
heared that they is someone who wants to come by the farm. And buy it. And
he wants to restore it. So it might get a nice new home doing the summer!!!

VlogginLife says:

I think so

san379 . says:

my old long box crew cab dodge is 22 feet long and 7000lbs..360 ci v8 300$
a month in gas

Raymond Donato says:

Do you know how i can get in contact with dave because i’m interested in
buying his NY’ER or have him Ray at 732-317-1656 thanks man !

Ridge97 says:

that thing would be a hell of a derby car..what a beast..LOL

bigpopparand1 says:

Was a decent car before they trashed it at the farm, was restorable

zx8401ztv says:

Looked like dave wasnt having a go at you, must be eather a good day or it
was way before he started that phase. Old cars have so much style 🙂

MrSwampdawg47 says:


VlogginLife says:

haven’t been to the farm in 2 years.

Enfield Police says:

elvis fan BLUE BLUE BLUE BLUE christmas

mw3devyn says:

u go there every day dont u

VlogginLife says:

thats because at first he was fine…in the end he did nothing but verbally
attack me. I personally have no room in my life for people like that.

Drunkadian says:

I agree with marcel! Daves a bigtime creepo. Anyone who has half a brain
can see that.

Enfield Police says:

love the music

VlogginLife says:

yeah I saw it on a bloke video a while back. I think Dave was trying to get
a part out of it for another vehicle however the yorker has a different
setup then the truck.

twocvbloke says:

Over here we get diesel Dodgler Voyavans,with a 2.5L VM (Italian) Diesel,
they’re smoky old things… 😛 That car rocks, rolls, flops and flails, cos
it’s a floppy american land yacht… 😛

san379 . says:

i dont care ..im still going there for canada day 2013


can u imagine feeding that hog at todays prices

231flash says:

surprised Dave didn’t put his face down there when he said it was cumming.

JamesReadythe5th says:

What ever happened to the old New Yorker? Does he still got it?

Kenneth DeWit says:

By the way is David still raping people?

Kenneth DeWit says:

yes rage is a sign of a pedophile!

Steven Lebbing says:

Also Before Daves Chaneel Davidsfarmlives went away when he started that
old 1973 BMW 2002TTI after 13 years a guy did a comment on that video well
a guy wanted to come down to his farm this summer to buy it so it may get a
nice new home this summer the guy said he wants to buy it and fix it up i
hope that guy will come by his farm in the summer and buy it

Flash says:

Do you still have the New Yorker and are you piecing it out?

MrWolfSnack says:

Well, you had to have given him a reason to. He probably felt unsure about
you, or felt that you were untrustable. I do the same with my friends. I
have best-best friends that I can tell everything to and they will not hate
me, and I talk to them daily. They can say anything hurtful they want to
me, and I won’t take any offense, as I really like them a lot. Then I have
just normal everyday friends. Good for a chat or two just to pass the time,
and I don’t really care either way.

VlogginLife says:

I wouldn’t know..I haven’t been to the farm in 2 years. Not a fan of Dave
to be honest. He has too many mental issues that he needs sorting. Goes
from being happy to raging upset faster than a viper doing the quarter mile

dave11686 says:

LOL Dave’s always good for some innuendo lol

MrWolfSnack says:

Shows you are just in it to boost your lowlife channel. You were happy to
help him out in all the past videos, but now you’re quick to turn into a
hating troll too.

Dave Slaz says:

Peedo Dave Rock as i said… Dirty cunt needs castrating

GoldCars666 says:

Dave still got it, altho the carb is broken and needs replacement. But sad
news is, sence it has been sitting on grass for so long the whole under car
can be rotted out…

Raymond Donato says:

have dave call ray donato

classof19872006 says:

love that car

h82bu223 says:

if i had that i would keep the front brakes … big block her … put
cheapy tyres on the back ..build a burnout pad on the farm and go nuts

coololds85 says:

Oh wow lol

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