VW AUDI Camshaft Chain Tensioner Gasket and Half Moon Seal Replacement Part 2

VW AUDI Camshaft Chain Tensioner Gasket and Half Moon Seal Replacement Part 2

Here is Part 2 on how to remove the camshaft chain tensioner gasket and the half moon seal on a 1998 Audi A6 2.8L engine. This procedure should help you if y…



RatchetsAnd Wrenches says:

lol jesus just say in the front of the engine. we’ve been saying the same
thing pretty much…going to clean this convo up so it doesnt confuse

Guillermo Arzamendi says:

great video!! I have a Audi a4 Quattro 1.8 wagon and it has the same
problem oil every where..it seems that I can start from the Camshaft Chain
Tensioner Gasket. .Very good video!!

Evils Badavels says:

Yeah i just got a new valve cover gasket and cam tensioner gasket with the
half moon seals. i just wasn’t sure if i also needed the cam seals and caps
and how many per side since its only one cam. Excellent video by the way.
really easy to follow your step-by-step instructions

Florin Bejerea says:

If the picture in the link works, look at the top right. That is the seal.
And pic is of passenger side engine block.

Evils Badavels says:

Do you need the cam chain tensioner tool to replace the camshaft tensioner
gasket on a 1997 audi a4 quattro 2.8L with a SOHC (AFC) ? Also, since its
only one cam can i get away without removing the timing belt to do the
process ?

RatchetsAnd Wrenches says:

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