Audi 3.2L fsi motor intake manifold carbon build up and thermostat replacement DIY by Edge Motors

Audi 3.2L fsi motor intake manifold carbon build up and thermostat replacement DIY by Edge Motors

PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE THIS VIDEO!!! In this video we show you how to remove carbon deposits from intake manifold runners and replace coolant thermostat in 3.2L fsi …



V10PDTDI says:

Never tried the wildnuts blasting method bmw and mini use it but never
heard that vw or audi is using the blasting method and other method I would
like to try if I had that machine available is the co2 or dry ice blasting
look it up on u tube it’s a cool process it dosent’t leave media blasting

Jason ST says:

How long did this job take from start to finish in real time?

Thomas EXOVCDS says:

Lots of great tips, thanks!


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Ilin Vadim says:

that was awesome!! i have got car just like that in the clip,so it was very
helpfull for me.thanks a lot!shoot more about that 3.2))

V10PDTDI says:

It’t good to know that there is other people like me that are pasionate
about what they do and they care of the quality of workmanship and they
like what they do and does show for you.

V10PDTDI says:

I think the new engine in the Q5 and the A4 with the 2.0t engine have the
duall injection system but the new 1.8t did not get it 🙁 I wonder what
kind of build up the new 1.8t engine is going to have it is going to be a
verry common engine in the vw and audi brand.

met rusani says:

great video.

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