2004 Acura RL Rust Repair part 1

2004 Acura RL Rust Repair part 1

Starting on the 2004 RL.



turbocobra says:

Thanks for sharing. Peace of mind to know your repair work from before was
solid. I am sure you will knock that one out easily.

Velvethamma says:

Yes, all Honda products seem to trap the dirt and debris in these areas and
rot them from the inside out. The other problem is the foam seam sealer
they use between the inner structure and the quarter panel. It hold the
moisture and starts the corrosion process all over.

Velvethamma says:

@Amopower workin on it

milric77 says:

get er done!!!!

blueninja87 says:

Is this common for these models?

Amopower says:

thanks for the vid,can you move the tripod closer next time so we can
really see what you are doing? It’s not possible to really tell what’s
going on from the distance.

scary0715 says:

Thanks for the video

cecil6711 says:

Glad to see it wasn’t a very large area to repair. Great video.

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