Volvo S70 2.4T consuming coolant internal

Volvo S70 2.4T consuming coolant internal

What a adventure this should be, in the shop today is a 1999 volvo 2.4t that’s loosing coolant internal, the owner purchased the vehicle from action, during …



Michael Sackstein says:

si pero evidentemente el antifreeze se había mezclado con el aceite y eso
quiere decir que el problema esta con el bloque o el head gasket.

jfv65 says:

i have seen this cilinderbore cracking also on B4204 (S/V40) engine and
B6304 (S/V90)

AlCabanasYT says:

Stop trying repair this engine. Swap it to 2.0 or 2.3. B5254t and b5244t
has problems with cracking block… Every volvo engine with high
compression ratio and 83mm bore has it. 🙁

carlosv665 says:

El problema no es la tapa del bloque… es que el fan motor no gira a las
rpm que se supone gire causando que aumente la precion en el sistema,
ademas de muchos otros problemas relacionados a ese fallo.

elsydeon666 says:

also check the carpet on the driver’s and passenger’s footwells, the heater
core is right behind the center of the dash and will leak on the carpet

jboydmv90 says:

Great Video Will!!!!

johntracey523 says:

Thanks for making another video. I actually like not having the music
blaring. I think what you have to say is important and prefer it not
drowned out by music. Maybe it’s an ADD thing

robert hoagland says:

Thanks for a great video. Very very helpful.

Micscience says:

Radiator and main engine components besides intake read post above

CHIBA280CRV says:

Hello Friend i subscribed to your site, nice work, and hurry up with part

bluelightguy1 says:

nice , cant wait to see how this ends, great vids

randomcityish says:

oh man, when you put the shrader fuel line cap on the air box man you got
me worried that it would fall down into the bottomless pit of lost parts

jj jackson says:

great video.Thanks.

Hurlburton says:

Just started watching first one. Stayed tuned for comments.

Janitha Wickramasinghe says:

Well said. No music can match the awesome sounds of tools and all.

robinsonsauto says:

Thank you for the compliment, Stay tuned coming soon

Tim says:

is there away to know if this job is worth doing? i have a 1999 cavalier
that ran hot and blew the head gasket. i’d rather not tear into it if not
worth doing

TheTexasCoder says:

Great video! Looking forward to part 2!

Steve Rob says:

Good stuff,well done. Thanks

spelunkerd says:

I see you use a battery-powered drill rather than air tools — that seems
to be an increasingly popular technique.

sivaraj palanisamy says:

you are doing leak down testing, understood, but not clear which system you
are doing it means, you are checking for leaking in radiator or intake or ?

robinsonsauto says:

remaining coolant system, intake out of the equation, the intake coolant
passage was simply bypassed with a hose, coolant tank removed i had no good
way to seal it 100% with the tools on hand, sealed/plugged supply line that
was hooked to the tank, therefore that leaves one open path to the coolant
system, that’s the small over flow return line, applying pressure at this
point will pressurize all the remaining components, engine block, cylinder
head, water pump, heater core, radiator, etc

Don't Understand Everything I Know says:

Good to see you back, thanks for posting the video. You must be nice and
busy which is good during these times. I was worried that you were in jail.

Arlie Anderson says:

Awesome post. Stayed up late watching the whole series. You’ve got me
motivated to go make me some tools and popoff the head on my S70 GLT and
see if I can salvage it or not. I also reposted a link in one of the
volvoforums online but I can’t post the link here on Youtube. I’ll email
you the link if can. Thanks again.

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