ipd Volvo – Cabin Pollen Air Filters for late model Volvos

ipd Volvo – Cabin Pollen Air Filters for late model Volvos

Andrew from ipd talks about the reason for cabin filters, recommended replacement intervals and how to replace the pollen filter in your late model Volvo.



Jeremy Frost says:

Awesome good job.

lexusfan100 says:

thanks for notifying about the two sites. i have the same pic as you have
pointed out. I have a tab too. but i was wondering what is the advantage of
using 1.5inch versus 1inch. Mine doesnt has automatic A/C circulation
system on dash so but can i still use 1.5inch(with close tab) slot ? thanks

Tiemen Bos says:

Nice instruction Video, 1 suggestion: mention the years of the model in
stead off “late model”

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