How to remove and install headlight in Volvo s70 v70 XC70

How to remove and install headlight in Volvo s70 v70 XC70

Video instruction from VolvosTrader how to replace a headlight and a corner light more at



Meme Coco says:

you are awsome

cavanfamily12345 says:

lol right,,,

waislandres says:

I have no idea if there is a video or not however, the shop manual covers
the subject pretty well. You will only need a couple different size sockets
believe 10 and 12 mm plus a Torx bit for the fasteners located in the wheel
area. Just take it slow and expect the removal to take around two hours.
One thing I would recommend is cutting a six inch wedge out of some nylon
about half a, inch wide, which will help getting the trim popped off
without damaging the painted surfaces.

lolkid101 says:

is way more difficult in my car 🙁 still figuring out how to take the whole
thing off 🙁

Evan Leonard says:

Thank you!

Ahasanul Haque says:

Hi…do you know where I can find a video of that?

SuperSelektor says:

it look so simple, but cost for me 100$

wuking090909 says:

very good video

waislandres says:

That is the front bumper cover/ grill not the bumper itself. I do agree its
better to remove the corner light with the headlight assembly although not
absolutely necessary on the 2004 S80. Good tip would be to have new corner
lights on hand when you are servicing the headlight assembly for any reason
‘ ie ‘ replacing the lens, gasket or, replacing the H7 bulb connectors with
high temperature connectors which I just did.

Rodrigo Fuentes says:

thank you. fron sweden..

blaydrunner says:

Simple! Thanks man!

Grease Monkey says:

Don’t have a Volvo but this is basically the same for every car. My
problem, is that every time I resinstall a headlight, I have trouble
getting the outside corner (your Volvo has a separate corner light) to sit
flat against the quarter panel. It always seems to stick out a few mms.
Does anyone have any advice on how to get the headlights to sit flush with
the body?

WorldUniteSarah says:

For me it was necessary to remove the metal spring clip from the 3 wire
connector in order to pull the connector off. I replaced it on the
connector before pushing it back on It is also good to remember to transfer
the wiper rest from an old headlight to a new one if the new one does not
come with a wiper rest

ElGuapoJoe says:

What holds the corner light in place? It just slides in?

aftereffects says:

very nice video. thank you for making

TheLaddgirl says:

Thank you so much for this video! I am a lady who has never done anything
mechanical! Today I bought a used healight and watched this video…within
a half hour, I had the new one installed and it was so easy! Thank you!!!

Andy Lee says:

will it be the same to a s60?

MsSeesee123 says:

you make it look so simple

Mina Awad says:

i want to ask a question i have a 1998 volvo and i have a problem with the
spark and plugs and i want to know what kind is the best for that car and
what kind u but i your car i you can email me at

toniohhs says:

Great! This is so practical, thanks guys.

pandam30 says:

Thanx a lot buddy for zee video – u just saved me some cash. God bless you

Andre Frappier says:


waislandres says:

Not as easy on the 2004 S80 you have to remove the entire front bumper,
grill assembly.

viledinnist says:

Very helpful – I just changed both headlights on my husband’s 850 from RHD
to LHD, and the process is pretty much the same as the V70. The outer top
bolt’s a bit fiddly to get at, but otherwise easy. Good video. ElGuapoJoe –
there’s a springy clip thing to hold the sidelight in.

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