1999 Volvo S80 T6 Radiator Hoses and Coolant replacement

1999 Volvo S80 T6 Radiator Hoses and Coolant replacement

I am replacing upper and lower radiator hoses along with draining and filling fresh coolant.



lexusfan100 says:

never mind i got it. i called the dealer and said its 13mm. so i bought it
and it worked. also he said there is another drain plug for the engine
behind the firewall underneath. i didnt do that . but i think i will drain
that when i do the oil change

lexusfan100 says:

what is the size of that wrench you used to open the coolant drain

tty23 says:

they’re great cars, though being foreign the parts are expensive

volvosweden says:

I have never pressure washed it. I just wipe it on a regular basis with
some rags. Used some sandpaper on the aluminum injector cover. To dress I
use Meguiars Vinyl & Rubber cleaner/conditioner 40.

Greg Blz says:

hey you are a great help i need to change me oil caps on my 2000 s80 do u
have any advice

David Redmon says:

Pretty strait forward , it comes from underneath the car..

thisisunreal1 says:

I am really glad I found you on here. I have a 99 S80 T6. My first none
American built car & I love the car. What did you use to get the engine
compartment that clean & shiny?

volvosweden says:

You must use at least 50/50 antifreeze to deionized water. Only water will
boil and corrode your system.

j flores says:

hey great job ! i was wonder when will you do the timing belt on your volvo?

volvosweden says:

Sorry but I did my front end few years ago.

volvosweden says:

Note sure about engine coolant plug. But what I did worked.

Danish Jamal says:

Excellent Video…we have over 60C here some times…This video will help a
lot. will change this summer.Thanks.

Nicholas Motto says:

Hello, I have the exact same model that you use, I am considering these
full radiator hose replacement as well as coolant fluid. Do you ever
consider about replacing water pump? Unless you think both components
pressurize when sending coolants? I am sorry but I am fairly new with Volvo
maintenance. I didn’t want to cause it to leak because new radiator hose
has been replaced. Looking forward to hear from you soon!

Eddie Garza says:

great vid, is that the same motor as a 2003 s80?

volvosweden says:

I wold definitely want VCT2000. How much would you like for that? Also in
short what nightmares did you have with your S80?? Thanks

Billy Reyes says:

nice video i just going to do it where i can get de deinized
water????…can you put a video how to change a head lamp on volvo s80

Billy Reyes says:

where i can get the deionaise water?

volvosweden says:

Yes I like it. Zero maintanance and no vibrations.

Alyssa Cavignac says:

Please make a video on how to change a radiator in a Volvo s80 t6

giraffeman211 says:

Are these good cars?

JimmaayN says:

Hey isn’t there an engine drain plug also that you need to get everything

Donttalktome2012 says:

Any advice on how to do it. And thanks for responding I really appreciate

PatriksKanal says:

Nice vid!

Donttalktome2012 says:

Can you please make a suspension video I have a knock on my front
suspension mount and would really appreciate a video. Thanks

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