VW Jetta 2011 – 2016 mk6 2.0 gas – Timing Belt Replacement DIY video

VW Jetta 2011 – 2016 mk6 2.0 gas – Timing Belt Replacement DIY video

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This video goes inside each step it takes to replace the timing belt in the 2.0 L gas engine on the vw jetta MK6. I couldn’t find a video before I performed this service on my own car that was specific to the MK6 2.0L gas engine, so I documented the process in an effort to make these steps available to other people trying to change their timing belts. At the time of posting this video, I had already put over 100 miles on my car since changing the timing belt. So happy I didn’t pay VW $1,300 to do this for me.

* DISCLAIMER! I am not a trained mechanic! You follow the steps in this youtube video at your own risk. Though this video looks fairly simple and straightforward, it was not an easy job. The portion of the video that says “just slip on your new timing belt” WILL be challenging. New timing belts are TIGHT (I boiled mine in hot water to get it on). Only undertake this challenge if you know what you’re doing and feel relatively comfortable working engines and timing components.



Stephen Lopez says:

alright, I'll look into getting one before I change it. thanks!

Stephen Lopez says:

I'm doing mine this weekend. but I only ordered the timing belt, and tensioner. Is that a major problem?

sam gonzalez says:

Hey Tim. Do you know how different this engine is from an AEG?

jumpinjoe75 says:

I had to change the water pump due to it leaking, so I went ahead and change the timing belt. I have 69000 on the car and the belt looked great. I changed it anyway, I sent you 5 bucks. Thank you.

jumpinjoe75 says:

Thank you worked and it wasn't to bad. Dealer wanted 1100 with a water pump change.

Anthony Valadez says:

can you explain how to flush and refill the engine coolant please. I have a 2014 vw jetta 1.8t se .

Wenting Choong says:

Hi again, is there a Repair Manual or a Workshop Manual I can buy to do things myself?

Wenting Choong says:

Hi, I have a Volkswagen 2011 Golf R TSI, are the procedures of replacing the Timing Belt and Water Pump the same as yours?

Null Null says:

Really great video!

Quick question, my 2011 2.5L SE Jetta has 75k miles and the water pump has a Stage 2 leak (Stage 2 is oozing, Stage 3 is dripping on the ground) and so my dealership recommended I replace it in the next 5k miles… Will this video work for my 2.5L?

max moq says:

wow thanks I waited so long for that video! How long did the job take you?

Jason Gagnon says:

Was recommened this video by Blauparts.com because they don't have themselves an instructions on how to install there kits. Maybe you should ask them for the 1$ if there are referring people to your website 🙂 , just wondering do you have torque specs? How did you know how tight to put back everything?

Edison says:

Thank you so much Tim! I have the exact same car , you convince me to DIY TB change.

Edison says:

Great show! This is the first clip for MKVI 2.0L timing belt . For water pump, did you ever apply gasket glue for sealing? For big bolts, do you use power gun or hand wrench?

423million says:

Good video man! Should post on some Volkswagen forums

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