The Classic VW Beetle Bugs How To Install Back Window Headliner tip

The Classic VW Beetle Bugs How To Install Back Window Headliner tip This is just a short tip from my Ragtop headliner DVD where I show yo…



justdrew89 says:

@brighteyefilms o ok well they are destroying the bug culture in my opinion
I hate seeing a bug on big rims

justdrew89 says:

Chris I know this has nothing to do with this video but could you please
tell me what the hell is a fusca beetle I see these videos all over youtube
and they are some of the ugliest beetles just wondering if you knew.

TORQUER3 says:

So, new yorkers say Pooty, instead of Putty? thats Foony…I mean

:D says:

The guy is a new-yorker

justdrew89 says:

yeah the ones that really make me mad are the people that purposely make
their rides rusted. I also don’t like when they put turbos or things of
that nature it just destroys the bugs history. Unless the are drag racing
other than that I hate mods to the engine but I do like the BRM and empi

loveanianimeme says:

How dose a bug look without the headliner? Cause I was planning on putting
a role cage in mine and having no headliner is the easiest way i figured.

TORQUER3 says:

pooty blade? You mean Putty blade? haha just messin. What part of the
country says “pooty” ?

Emperorprime says:

what spray glue is used? and by the way great vid ill buy a copy in a few

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