SOLVED (Help with my 1998 VW Jetta GLS broken shift linkage cable).

SOLVED (Help with my 1998 VW Jetta GLS broken shift linkage cable).

Thank you ding0925 for all your help!! I will leave this video up for info to anyone else that may have the same issue!! My wife’s shift linkage cable broke …



hashfingers says:

fuck, i’m having the same problem with my 98 GT, but i know nothing about
cars whatsoever. ugh this sucks

Goregoon says:

Your 99 might have a different linkage, I have no plastic on mine, I had to
get the whole cable. I think 98-99 was a transition year. Sorry to get back
so late, I’ve been so busy with work and life these days…. probably a bit
late to be of any help.

snowboarder4life37 says:

I have the exact same problem with my 99’…how did you end up fixing this?
Did you have to buy a whole new cable? Or were you able to find just the
plastic adapter on the end?

Goregoon says:

Thanks for the reply, looks like it’s the whole cable. Take care.

Goregoon says:

Thanks for pointing me there… nice site.

Goregoon says:

It’s an auto, thanks for the offer though!!


Boy……. I dont know but it looks like a clamp style end to me, but Im
guessing…… take the bolt off and see maybe, good luck bud! Craz…

David Redmon says:

that is a 1 piece cable non repairable ….junk yard my have one…

Goregoon says:

I just approved the response, will check it out in a few… just got in
from a 15 hour day of hell on the road… I’m sure you know how that is. :c)

Goregoon says:

Ya, I’ll try a junk yard 1st… there is one just down the street… my
budget is terrible.

Goregoon says:

Thanks Dave, not the news I wanted to hear but thanks… I figured you
would know.

Kevin K says:

If you have a dealer nearby, they might be able to print you out an
exploded view of the parts to your linkage with part numbers. They can tell
you if the parts come separate also. Get a quote for the part you need.
Google the part number or get it off germanautoparts-dot-com

Kevin K says:

search it on vwvortex

David Redmon says:

is an auto? or 5 speed? i have one for a stick…the pasat cables are
different cause the eng is mounted longitudinal…but i have a 97 stick
shift car if you need?

David Redmon says:

i see it an auto now i posted a vid on my channel for you look in
30min…if you need a good southern cable with no rust i’ll see if i can
find you one down here

Goregoon says:

Looks like its the whole cable.

David Redmon says:

it’s new cable time bud….

WhoSaidTyler says:

I don’t have much experience with those but I think the entire cable has to
be replaced. Sorry man. Might do some hardcore googling on it.

Goregoon says:

Thanks for getting back to me. Ya, I’ve been looking around and have seen
shift cables for sale but they seem to be bare ended as in my situation.
That tells me there should be a connector but I haven’t found one. I most
likely am not searching the right part or something. I’m crossing my
fingers it’s just some sort of end piece sold separately cuz the cable is
about 150 bucks more than I can deal with and doesn’t show a connector on
it regardless.

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