DIY: how to remove headlights on a mk4 vw Jetta

DIY: how to remove headlights on a mk4 vw Jetta

Notice I am not liable if you hurt or damage yourself or your vehicle.



muscleammo says:

im doing the joey mod when my projectors come in, but please PLEASE do not
buy new lenses. Sand with 500 then 800 grit and do 2 coats of DupliColor
Perfect Match Clear…itll look better than new for 5$

JBP Studio says:

I just redid my headlights in 20 minutes and they look new. Wet sand with
1500, then 2000. Then go over entire light with polishing compound, finish
with regular car wax. Results are insane! I repeated the process a couple

DIY Ethan says:

going to get new lenses and maybe joey mod… still debating on that

muscleammo says:

wat was the reason you took them out?

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