DIY: how to manually open and close sunroof mk4 vw Jetta GTI

DIY: how to manually open and close sunroof mk4 vw Jetta GTI

NOTICE: i am not liable if you damage your car and or injure yourself. This a quick video showing you how to manually open and close your sunroof/moonroof if…



ajshoe333 says:

when I crank it CCW (when looking at motor) the sunroof opens (reverse of what u did) ??? please help - what is the problem ?? Reason I tried it with crank is because switch works in reverse also ?? thanks

Ethan B says:

you’re welcome!

Eric Sanchez says:

Thank you!!!

David Mendoza says:

Ps great tip on how to close it thanks!

David Mendoza says:

hey how did you get all the camo on the roof like that?

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