DIY: how to change shift knob on a mk4 vw Jetta gti golf

DIY: how to change shift knob on a mk4 vw Jetta gti golf

NOTICE: I am not liable if you damage your car and it hurt yourself. This a quick video on how to remove a be shift knob and boot.



pj bennett says:

Quick question, could I change the shift knob to like a Walmart one and
still Beable to get it in reverse cause on mine I have to push the knob
down then go into first.

shotnva777 says:

Clean that money!!!

kiva822 says:

dude…clean that car. yuck.

Steph Wagner says:

your car is disgusting…just saying

DIY Ethan says:

most walmart shift knobs screw on, for volkswagens they are a lot different
so they wouldnt be compatible you would have to get a knob that fits on a
vw because instead of screwing on they have a clip as you will see when you
remove the knob. If you do happen to find one at walmart it wont affect how
you shift. and you should have to push down to get into reverse not first…

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