DIY defi boost gauge install VW golf MKV GTI part 2

DIY defi boost gauge install VW golf MKV GTI part 2

Right hand drive VW golf GTI.



Ad P says:

If you remove the battery from the car and its housing you will see where the engine harness enters the car and if you look up under the glove box there are 2 screws you undo and if you poke some wire through buy bend end of it right over so that when you push it through it doesnt catch on anything. Let me know how you go.

chris carpcatcher king says:

i dnt understand where youve got the wire thru to your engine i cant find it plzplzplz help

Ad P says:

I just went to a place that fixes hydrolic hoses on machinery and they made it up for me but I found it was too big. Forge sell a kit you can buy specifically for this and from what I have read on forums it’s very good and a much tidier look too.

Jonathan Hansen says:

hey where did you get the T adapter?

ndrcprochaos says:

Hey the hose that you tapped into is missing on my jetta is that a major issue? Am I loosing boost from that?

Ad P says:

No it’s the petrol KV Golf GTI with stage 2 APR upgrade. Very quick and fun.

shoeb2015 says:

is that a diesel ?

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