toyota corolla ignition lock cylinder and key, switch replacement

toyota corolla ignition lock cylinder and key, switch replacement

how-to-guide to replacing a toyota corolla ignition lock cylinder and key switch.



chicuco n says:

Thanks for this video I changed
My ignition in like 15 minutes again thank you so much.

henry o'hare says:

thanks mark,good video

sledx85 says:

From 1995 – 2003/4 Toyota Locks were pinned using a security feature called
split wafers. The design in the wafer is extremely flawed very similar to
modern day Honda 4 track wafers. They will seize in all of your toyota
locks, it’s only a matter of a .030″ nub wearing off the wafer or keys
being extremely worn out. I’d take it to a locksmith to make sure that
isn’t the case.

djelusion says:

ignition switch is different then the ignition lock cylinder. I bought one
and still had the same issue in the video. key not wanting to go into the
off position. Beware as idiots on eBay sell switches and parts not even
related to toyota

djelusion says:

long story short if you have or had the problem like I had which is not
mentioned in the video which is the pin interlock solenoid is stuck or acts
funny you can saw it off or just buy a whole new ignition switch which
resolves the issue of the key not wanting to go into the off position.,

MarK Weber says:

Well , just so we are clear. you mean its cranking well and quickly and
will not start or.,.cranking but slowly like the battery is low and you
just manage to get it started ? start, you alternator should charge the
battery back to 12 volts or higher in less than hour. now, if you are
driving say all day just fine ,engine running ,stop and start a couple
times , etc. and then overnight it dies and u have no battery power, you
most likely have a parasitic draw or a bad battery regardless , if

Michael Mcneil says:

Thank 2001 4Runner works the same way, watch to the part where your push
the button and 5 minutes later I was done!

Bobmer125 says:

Seeing as this was 3 months ago when you posted this reply is probably not
catching you in a position to use this information, but just in case: there
are two 10mm bolts that are hidden behind two plastic squares, maybe and
inch and a half length sides, located near the top of the panel that you
can pop out with something thin (such as a knife). Hope that helps.

MarK Weber says:

so try checking for a possible short somewhere, or simply replace the
battery with a friends for one day to see if it works fine with a different
battery. Google parasitic draw for info and tracing shorts or open circuits

Kevin Brown says:

Thank you for your time

Woodrow Olson says:

Very helpful, but how do I get the panels around the steering column off?

sam fox says:

hay man got a 91 toyota corolla it was sometime not starting i would have
to turn the key hella time to get it to turn over to start then at nite
time over a 8 hour period to say, go out there the next moring and the
battery would be dead.. so purt it on the charger, charge i,t what could
be? i know somthinge taking power when it not sopost to ??????????????

Kunee Kid says:

Thanks for the video. I have a 1999 Corolla, I live in New Zealand but
apart from the fact that you guys are left hand drive its all the same and
your advice worked. Cheers man you saved me.

Daniel Werner says:

im in the same boat, am i being to easy on the panel? cant find any videos
on it either. what did you end up doing? thanks a bunch

ReubenMRU says:

Thanks a bunch man! Saved me a trip to the electrician and having to leave
my car there 🙂 … Car’s sitting nicely in the parking at home… went to
drop the ignition cylinder at the locksmith… he says it should be fixed
in about 30 minutes… looks like this whole repair process will only take
an hour in all 😉

Kunee Kid says:

Further to that, if you have the corolla model with a transponder key (fat
black top of the key) its not likely that you will want to pay the $800 to
program the new key into the computer. Do what I did and find a corolla
model without the fancy transponder key tape the old key to the plastic
transponder receiver at the front of the ignition ring and stuff it under
the dash. If you don’t do this the car wont start. The only downside is you
will need one key for the door and one for the ignition.

John Fite says:

Thank you very much for this video, you saved me $200! I fixed my own car
and I’m not a mechanic.

Joe says:

What about if the key is stuck on the on position I can’t get it out what
should I do

Liz Scott says:

Alright I did everything you said including making sure it was on ACC and
the push thing on the bottom still wont come out. Where is the lock pin???
thank youuu!!

MrBhGarrett says:

Hello Mark, thanks a bunch for your video it has been very helpful.. I am
having trouble removing the panel below the ignition switch however. I took
out two screws and undid two 10mm nuts but cannot seem to find another
thing to remove. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Liz Scott says:

but my steering wheel is locked now where I tried to turn it 🙁

Liz Scott says:

thank you so much for uploading this.

Casey Jones says:

Hey man, I just want to thank you for the video. As soon as I watched it,
everything went like clock work. Thank you again and I am rolling. You
really helped me out. God bless and maybe I’ll see you on the road…lolol

MarK Weber says:

There are screws that you access from the bottom of the column . I believe
they are Phillip’s head screws. You can feel around for the holes at the
bottom but it may be best for you to crawl under and look up at the bottom
of the panel so you can see exactly where they all are. Hope that helps.
Also , once the screws are all out you will have to pull out the two pieces
and work them out.. : )

MarK Weber says:

try to depress the pin as shown in this video, it show be able to be
depressed after the lock position and then removed by pulling it out using
the key to pull back . if the pin is being held in at the bottom while you
pull, it will come out with very little effort. hope this helps

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