How To Read and Erase Toyota Diagnostic Trouble Code Manually Without Scantool

How To Read and Erase Toyota Diagnostic Trouble Code Manually Without Scantool

Procedure to read and erase diagnostic trouble code (DTC) for Toyota Vehicle manually without scantool



Matt T says:

Thanks for a great video.

Pathurr HMS says:

My Toyota Echo airbag light is light up, can I use this method?will it able to read code aswell for airbag system? or only work for check engine light?

Harish Doodnauth says:

Thank you for your information

Teemu says:


Sajjad Ali says:

Very good sir.

avati ifan says:

mau tanya bos mobil saya avanza2009 lampu chek engine nya nyala setelah saya jumper kedipan nya 5-1 saya lihat tabel nya switch signal mau tanya apa itu switch signal apa yg harus saya perbaiki

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