AVS Ventshade Install How-To – 2004 Toyota Sienna

AVS Ventshade Install How-To – 2004 Toyota Sienna

Just a short how to video of how to install AVS or similar ventshades that peel and stick to the door of almost any vehicle.



1lifejourney says:

Thats pretty cool that you have a Sienna as well. I’ll be out west this
summer so if you happen to be out that way hit me up! For a bug screen…I
should actually make a video on that. I purchased a bug net from REI
(mombasa outback travel net double) and have hooks on the inside to hang it
up. This means I can have the windows open when urban camping and still be
under the bug net. I figured I could also buy some bulk screen and use some
magnets if i wanted a net on the windows themselves. THX!

Fatandyz Vintage says:

Just discovered your channel. Very excited to watch all of your videos. I
too own a Sienna and use it for vandwelling/camping. I’m looking forward to
using your vids to inspire me on my van tweaks. I have a question, what do
you use for a bug screen? We try to use a screen in the back slide out
vents, but have find it very difficult to get the screens to installed

DoomaceIsHere says:

Helpful tutorial, thanks.

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