Easily Clean & Polish Cast Aluminum

Easily Clean & Polish Cast Aluminum

This video is for the people who have been asking how I clean my aluminum parts… cast aluminum in particular (Credit for the idea belongs to @357magdad ) . Don’t use “aluminum brightener” (sulfuric acid) because it actually has the opposite effect: it reacts with the impurities in cast aluminum and leaves it dark and dull (some come out better/worse than others). Plus it wreaks havoc on your skin. And if you use it on anodized parts it’ll destroy the anodizing. And it’s totally unnecessary. Clean the parts first with a degreaser, like Simple Green or another brand, and you can use an ultrasonic cleaner with some PH-neutral detergent like Palmolive or aircraft cleaner (Simple Green brand) if you want to loosen the encrusted stuff. And then all you need is a dremel and some scotch brite pads to make DIY polishing wheels. I cut them in 2″ x 2″ squares and cut off the corners to round them off (no need to be perfect — they self-true). Others have said that they don’t event bother cutting off the corners – they just leave them as squares and they eventually round out. I attach them to the mandrels that come with the little cut off wheels from Harbor Freight. And then you can use a small piece of leftover scotch brite pad with a stainless steel or brass (stainless steel works better b/c it’s stiffer and the pad sticks to it better) brush to get to all the nooks and crannies in your engine cases or wheel hubs, etc… Of course it’s never going to be as nice as using a vapor hone which we all dream of having, but I think it’s the next best option. #aluminumcleaning #aluminumpolishing #restoration In the video I’m working on engine parts and my carb as part of my #suzuki #rm250 #dirtbike restoration.



@АлександрПриходите says:

Как называется этот материал?

@joshuaejackson says:

Excellent idea, Thanks for sharing!!

@sebastienbedin2015 says:

Encore une super astuce , tu déborde d’imagination. Bonne continuation et merci

@ChanseMartin222 says:

Killing it as always! Much respect!

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