Subaru Timing Belt Repalcement Part 2

Subaru Timing Belt Repalcement Part 2

This is the part 2 of 2 in my Subaru timing belt replacement vids. Click here to show thanks, and help support Fixbook:…



murphy6623 says:

you could have stuck a screwdriver in the torque converter back in the bell
housing to get that bolt out with a cheater bar. Great video!!! Thanks a
ton. It is the best timing belt video i found

AgentSmith1959 says:

Okay, I’m glad you prayed about it, that’s great! While changing the timing
belt and pulleys, my friend didn’t think we should lower the hydraulic
idler arm while we turned it by hand, the belt must have skipped over the
crank sprocket and now I’m spooked. I have looked at this problem, very
scared right now. HELP ME :+(

Long Denis says:

Thanks man.. very informative.

Fixbook says:

We didn’t do anything different we just let it run. We were going to let it
blow up, but then it stopped making the noise. I had prayed about it and
believed. One could say the noise was from oil settling and unlubricated
parts made the noise, but it hadn’t sat for very long so idk.

AgentSmith1959 says:

what did you do different after you thought you’d have to replace the
engine because it was knocking? It didn’t just fix itself so was there
something I should know, you didn’t line some else up you forgot? I’m doing
it today, could use some prior knowledge, thanks.

kidakrasia says:

power steering pump???

kidakrasia says:

what is the engine?

TheChaztor says:

Good video but a word of advise Do not take the tensioner out first. The
torque it is under can damage the threads as you loosen the bolts. Take the
bottom left smooth idler first and work your way counter-clockwise removing
the bottom right toothed idler to slowly release tension.

SadamFlu says:

I love the fact you rubbed grease on your face at 07:58 hehehe! Great video

nickfish03 says:

Thanks for the video. I’m researching and learnin’ a bunch to do this
myself. Cheers!

Fixbook says:

I wouldn’t wish this job on anybody lol

Matt Saunier says:

I liked the part where you took out the bolts.

HowFarToAsgaard says:

why did you have oil stains above the harmonic balancer? i have the same
issue with my B4

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