Subaru Repair Tips

Subaru Repair Tips

Subaru Air injection Valves.



Justin Stobb says:

The idea was to show the components, and try to suggest a few things to
help “prevent failure” In order to remove the valves the intake manifold
must be removed, would make for a long video.

michaelovitch says:

Useful tips to avoid to cause a failure and to have to repair here,but no
repair tips at all. I know a guy with this problem on a forester and it’s
1000 euros here. I guess you don’t want to show what makes you live right ?

SubaruXT6 says:

hunh. fresh air in the exhaust NEAT !. any Subaru knowledge is Gold to me.
i dont own turbo model subarus. so i dont have to worry about these ?

pbenoit4 says:

I just had my secondary seize up at 37,000 miles. Fortunately, I purchased
the warranty extension since my factory warranty had expired and only had
to pay the $100 deductible. Sounds like I need to drive my car a little
harder to get it up to temperature.

Supermotoflunkie says:

…maybe some repair tips….can I clean/rebuild them?

whipthedog says:

I am only here because I have this problem. In Australia the factory repair
cost over $4000. My 06 XT has only done the eqivalent of 35000 miles.
Mostly to and from work. Have been considering having the valve removed and
blanked off, and the code removed.

robhnasko says:

Your theory of getting the engine up to temperature is interesting, but my
car has this problem and it came on after about 70k miles. i drove daily on
the interstate for 20 miles each way at highway speeds. I live in new
england and my car slept outdoors in the rain and snow all year. Harsh
weather may be as much of a factor as getting exhaust up to temperature.

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