Subaru EJ18 timing belt, water pump replacement

Subaru EJ18 timing belt, water pump replacement

timing belt, water pump, thermostat, tensioner, idler replacement on suabru EJ18 engine. 1.8L.



Ricardo p says:

Thanks bro. Very clear

8aliensk says:

great vid love it

павло стас says:

спасибо за видео!!!!!)))))!!!Помогло!!!

MrJoshuabaty says:

how come you didnt just pull the radiator? wouldnt it give more room? or
would that be more work than the extra space is worth.

Wafflebrah21 says:

Moooooo! Very informative video, great post.

павло стас says:


jahski1 says:

Wow love great video your name isn’t Stephen Spielberg is it? What kind of
high definition video camera do you use makes me want to go and buy one.

Paul Bellefeuille says:

Thanks for posting! My wife’s Impreza threw a belt the other day and we’re
contemplating replacing it..

sleeksm4 says:

im going to be using this as a guide when i do mine thx a bunch!

tkbw90 says:

wow thanks man this the best vid in the world. you are awesome. i hope you
make many more vids. can i have your autograph?

tma450 says:

ur wifes more talkative thn u, theres to many mimes on youtube, great vid
tho, very detailed just to quiet

ferp420 says:

how mant dents did you put in the radiator

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