Amazing Junkyard Subaru Transformation (Budget Build)

Amazing Junkyard Subaru Transformation (Budget Build)

We found this old Subaru destined for scrap and decided to fix it up and sell it to see how much money we could make. But all doesn’t go to plan once we realise why it was destined for the automotive graveyard…

More Mighty Car Mods on other socials here:

Camping gear from Supercheap Auto
Oil from Castrol
Parts from Whiteline

Song ‘Horizons’ by MOOG featuring Erin Renee


Something to note around Mighty Car Mods: we are normal guys and are not trained mechanics. We like to make interesting car mods and show you how we’ve gone about it, but we can’t promise that anything we show you will work for your particular car, or that you won’t harm yourself, someone else, your car or your warranty doing it. Please be safe, be responsible and unless you know what you’re doing, do not fool around with very serious machinery just because you’ve seen us make it look so easy. Talk to a qualified mechanic if you are in any doubt. Some of the products featured in this video may be supplied by sponsors. For a list of our current sponsors please go to



@mightycarmods says:

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@mystressmoon says:

This gives me a throwback vibe to when I was a teen watching the DIY mods in the driveway! ❤

@snarshmallow says:

I had a 97 as my first car and it’s really neat to see what they look like when someone’s put the effort in to return it to stock/better condition. And great shots+music as always

@arn6666 says:

Love these!!

@chickentonight22 says:

Really loving this series guys, hope this continues for a long time

@OctaneMonkey says:

Not all heroes wear capes!

@lincoln579 says:

Do a falcon Ute at some point, u can get some cheap as chips but if you fix em up there’s heaps of demand for them

@rbdesignsnh says:

i love these videos. theyre simple & fun and a nice breather from the current car youtuber aesthetic of unachievable mods and timelines that the rest of us without sponsors cant realistically achieve

@JabyDragon says:

I Love you both and really enjoy your channel. I have a question. Do you know of a BOV or BPV that will make the Stu Stu sound? I love the sound but don't want to straight destroy my turbo. 02 WRX btw

@hk20000 says:

The format is getting fairly similar to the good ol wheeler dealer, but without the sleazy car salesman character and a lot better music

@kevodean says:

that was a keeper

@bigcus8176 says:

Loving the flipping series. Keep it up

@aaaaplay says:

I'd suggest going to Service NSW and getting a new set of plates. That front number plate looks wrecked.

@sellars8016 says:

Did he say for a case of beer, $75? Asking from Canada,

@1MegaSaxoN says:

great series!

@makethingshappen8427 says:

Remember when you guys did an engine swap on a similar legacy in your driveway a decade ago?

@senatorchinchilla5389 says:

Deeply concerned he's using cam gears as top hats?!

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