Sega Saturn SSF Emulator + Where get Sega Saturn ISOs Download Tutorial

Sega Saturn SSF Emulator + Where get Sega Saturn ISOs Download Tutorial

Sega Saturn SSF Emulator Tutorial 1. Sega Saturn SSF with Biso Download: SSF with bios Emulator Download Link: 2. D…



undeadbobop says:

Welp it can’t load rom backups… It can’t load game off of physical
disc…. and ir requires another software to work…

kyestar88 says:

I am playing Sonic R to prove to a friend this creepy pasta is in his head

Butter Whale says:

you don’t need daemon or what ever its called if you go to a certain rom
site that gives you the iso and the sound track from the game and it is

phoxfire says:

thanks for the video

scatman jason says:

mine keeps closing the window

Adam Sousa says:

Every time i open the SSF file it just comes up and says ???cd????

Fergal Martin says:

Actually, scratch that, it just started registering there for some reason.
So problem solved I guess.

Lianas1980 says:

I can’t get some games to work right with SSF myself, i tried to play
blazing heros i think it’s called, and it would not run past the opening
cinematic, i tried playing 3 dirty dwarfs and i can’t get passed the first
load screen.. their is a lot of games that don’t wanna run right.

WildBuck007 says:

Now that you are aware of it. What you do with your machine is no business
of mine. What becomes of it also.

TheOneWhenDone01 says:

Daemon Tools? I use it all the time…and my Anti Virus never picks it up
as malware, or any other type of virus, meaning when I run virus scans
weekly it’s never picked up.

Frank Bryant says:

i downloaded a zip, there are two .iso files, one .wav file, and one .cue
file. I tried to image them, but I have no luck in getting the game to
work, anyone got any idea how to get it to work?

t103Ninja says:

is there any way to do it without mounting the iso?

Muse Madness says:

it wont let me post the website :((

MegaCallum10 says:

@Azhang22 u need to burn it on cd

zmezm mahde says:

will power iso work


In DTL, make sure that the image is not bound to a dvd countrycode. by
rightclick on the mounted image in the middle section you can choose that.
in SSF make sure you have loaded the bios that matches the version of your
game (E urope,U sa, 1.0 japan) Hope it will solve your problem

Ryuusei Hikari says:

it didn’t work…WHY?

WeirdStuffCorp says:

How do you load the games?

maiki60fps says:

I am having a problem with controls not working properly. The only game I
tried was Rayman and it is basically the same problem both with the
keyboard and USB gamepad. All directions are repeatedly interrupted in a
way like autofire. Your hero is not walking but rather trying to walk and
being stopped all over. Has anyone come acroos this problem, please? Thanks.

TheOneWhenDone01 says:

Well my computer isn’t screwed up in any way and hasn’t slowed down in any
ways so idk. It hasn’t become anything.

Fergal Martin says:

Any tips for using a dualshock 3 as a controller? I have mine set up using
motionjoy and it works fine in general but for SSF when I try to bind the
inputs to the ds3 it just doesn’t register my input on the controller.

Azhang Entesari says:

@88galaga i kinda have the same problem, it keeps telling me my drive is

c4gold says:

will this play an actual saturn game. i mean a physical copy from the disc

Muse Madness says:

try googling this “DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer” this is what I
installed and I can run the emulator now

RikkyMachado says:

Great tutorial worked great. it’s hard to find an updated tutorial on
emulators that require some work like these.

SuPeRsKuNkLoVeR666 says:

how can i get the action replay file?do you really need it?im getting to
the menu but no luck with the games yet.

gam903 says:

This dont work i tried it but red flashing

Kanos kyttel says:

thx men for the help

TheTeamChoas says:

does it work on the psp

Юджин Коп says:

cool dude , thanks very very much , now i can play Story of Thor 2
))))))))) thanks again

Mizahel Roy says:

se me cracho el video D:

Ramiro1992 says:

man does not work, I have not ccd images, do not know how to load

MrUbuntology says:

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

deathwishfails50 says:

Thank you very much

deathwishfails50 says:

For me it said driver empty when i try to play guardian heroes. Did
everything exact same has in the video. Also a 4:53 see the window screen
of the saturn, at the right lower corner is a black square my is flashing
red and black… any ideas on how to fix that so i can get it working well ?

Stephen Banks says:

Whats wrong with my computer? I download SSF from emulator-zoneand when i
try to open it it says error and closes, it doesn’t get to the bigger
screen 0:49 it just stay at the small bar 0:46 through 0:48?

zmezm mahde says:

ok but i dont need to because majic iso works just as well but getting it
just in case

Ro Jones says:

This is complete garbage.. it opens up then says something about bad audio
or missing audio then closes down, ive downloaded 5 system emulators and
have had less problems than this one you suggest? any clue why the same
download you used and linked has missing or bad audio? im running windows 7

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