Sega Saturn Gun Repair (Momentray Button Switch) Retro Zone

Sega Saturn Gun Repair (Momentray Button Switch) Retro Zone

Me Repairing one of my Sega Guns which was mis-firing.



DLiberator78 says:

@retrozoneorg Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it.

Kevin Twiner says:

Awsome video bro!

DLiberator78 says:

Great vid. Funny thing is I have the same soldering iron as you. How did
you do the 3D graphics animation of the push button that was really cool.
Also what is the part number of the replacement switch? Great video thanks
for showing us how to repair the Sega lightgun.

retrozoneorg says:

@DLiberator78 Hi, I did the 3D animation in a package called TruSpace 3.
It’s free to download – just do a google search. There was no part number
for the momentary switch – just make sure you order the “Micro” ones.

TheDarkDylan says:

Hi, I saw your video in repair and is great, my gun also has the same
problem, does not shoot but when I approached the TV if you shoot, I think
it’s the same problem, also I have another gun that was broken cable half,
my question, you can replace the gun cable by cable sega saturn controller?
I would greatly appreciate your answer

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