Saturn SL1 Power Window Motor Replacement

Saturn SL1 Power Window Motor Replacement

Replace Power Window Motor on Saturn SL1 or SL2.



VideoArchiveGuy says:

Wow, this must have been a completely generic motor kit.

I would never expect a motor sold as a replacement for this application to require cutting off part of the motor case; that’s just lazy on the part of the manufacturer.

BoardGameNerd says:

Saturn SL1??? Um, isnt it about time to replace the whole car??

Zach Fleckner says:

Where did you order the replacement from??

blackops417 says:

It’s a good video for a first time window repair. I was lost at first when it came to instructions but I have found some so thanks!

Steven Schultz says:

Sorry! It was my 1st you-tube video attempt. In hind sight I would have done it differently. Hope you successfully completed your repair.

joehenis says:

You skipped all the parts one need to see and dragged on all the parts we didn’t

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