Saturn Laser Repair

Saturn Laser Repair

Follow me on Twitter: This video shows how you can adjust the laser on your Sega Saturn to get more play time out of it. I can…



Mark Paquetsky says:

Hi there ,

Excellent Console Repair . When you mention how to adjust omhs on the laser itself , you turn anti-clockwise and you mention, not to go under 650 ohms … This repair is for the Sega Saturn .

after trying to clean the lens with alcohol , the unit my still wont read discs , I would like to try the the same adjustment , for a laser lens on the Sega CD Model 2 . Would the same adjustment be around the same, between 700 ohms and 650 ohms resistance ? Thanks for your help !

daniel070487 says:

Nice video !
But please, before adjusting the laserdiode current, clean the whole thing up, cause it can only be a single dust particle on the lasermirror inside the laserunit, that causes this problem.
What is the lowest Ohm setting on the laser, before it burns out?

jadams7891 says:

I heard 3DO Goldstar and Sega Saturn console used the same laser lens.

jack man says:

what is the original position of the laser pot screw

redmagician1000 says:

You can find a new laser for it i dont know how good the replacement is though.

Marco Ureña says:

Hello friend I have a problem with my sega saturn on connector control 1, control does not work only if I press down and just holding it down, in 2 if successful, can help repair it?

RetroRepair says:

Glad you could get it working again 🙂

EOHRyan says:

You legend, I just fixed my Saturn that had not been working for about 15 years, can’t thank you enough!

MrFoxrolls says:

Interesting…..but dubious!

darkslain says:

Hey dude!! this Saturn that i have it’s pissing me off… Everything works flawless… but the CDDA not… i have original games that loads perfect, i have my backups toasted at 4x with an old Plextor that i use ONLY for old consoles.toasted CDDA games plays perfect on Dreamcast but when i put them on Saturn, games boot without problems… always at the first time, but once the cdda start playing, at random moments it start to pop and crack the sound, and then cdda dissapears… any idea? lens?

VideoRelaxing says:

cool thanks man 

ALLEN WinWizzy says:

Yeah thanks for this video man, i thought my disc where stracted badly, now i can pop in my sonic jam and worms and they work perfectly like in 1996

NeCacaluXuxultic says:

Mines used to load forever and now it stips loading..I change the little dial thingie and no progress… what are other posible problems? The laser works and so does the everything but I HIGHLY DOUBT it is the spindle because any higher and it stops workings…..

bivosacanagi says:

When I turn my saturn on, it goes to the checking disc screen. However, the laser is not moving nor the disk is spinning. What could it be?
Thanks in advance!

MrVestek says:

Very informative, thanks for that I must try that out on my newly acquired system at home. I do plan to do my own ‘cleaning out the Sega Saturn’ video too.

The inside of it was so dirty when I got it that there was like moss growing inside it… and something keeps shorting it out so that it just keeps freezing lately.

Big Pauper says:

could you go in to more specifics on the multimeter settings? this damned thing has too many settings. thank you very much for the awesome informative video… got this cd drive running smoothly now, thanks!

RetroRepair says:

It kinda does, though can you hear the disc struggling to load? Making odd noises? Make sure the discs are definitely scratch free too before calling it a laser issue.

MrJizzmonkeys says:

I have one game Myst plays perfect on the Saturn, then my other game Quake stays at the Title screen and never gives me a option to start the game. Another game Criticom has the Sega logo come on then it goes blank. Does this sound like a laser problem? The games are in good condition.

RetroRepair says:

Could still be the laser even if it’s still visible. If I recall if the Saturn can’t see the disc it won’t spin. I’d try a CD cleaner first, then maybe look at the guide above. If it’s not spinning it may be your only hope. The motors almost never fail on these in my experience.

Gustavo Lima says:

Well after some testing i think it was the Virtua Fighters Kid cd that was broke! By the way, i have a 64 pin Model 2 that doesn’t spin anymore… what can it be? The laser still got it’s red light, goes up and down… Could it be the motor or the flex?!

RetroRepair says:

Does the game freeze or the whole console? Just loading? Need more info.

Gustavo Lima says:

Hey man! I’ve got a Sega Saturn Model 2 with Sanyo board that keeps on freezing, sometimes loads the game others don’t… what can i do?!

RetroRepair says:

It sounds as though maybe the main fuse in the power supply in your saturn might be dead. Have you got a power light?

Be careful around that PSU though, they hold charge even once you have unplugged it. Don’t touch the underside!

RetroRepair says:

If you get no video or audio and no disc activity I’d suggest you have a dead saturn. If you can try another TV then do so but without more info I can’t help much.

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