Saturn Ion commercial

Saturn Ion commercial

Saturn Ion commercial.



Ali Sakran says:

How ironic. These cars were shit. I can only think of one or two good cars
the had. Everything before 2006 seemed like garbage.

Baddriversof orangecounty says:


OfGreatLakes says:

What a brilliant commercial. Looking at it with a new paradigm for
walkability in cities, a better understanding of infrastructure and
sustainability, I can’t help but think that it’s a bit ironic and hope that
it’s also prophetic about how we approach the way we travel and where we go
to do the things that make up our lives.

majordankDG says:

My first car. 07 Ion Redline.

americanfanof201130e says:

its funny

AceTheFace954 says:

lol hilarious

TheDarizer says:

a 04 ions my 1st car

HANSguck INdieLUFT says:

good work saturn.

accordguy0325 says:

As of today- the Saturn deal with Penske fell through- and Saturn is dead.
RIP Saturn – 1991-2009

Dizzy1Fan says:

nice commercial!!!

natchy99 says:

The music is “Sheet Metal” by Ken Fujioka. The brilliant balance and
structure gives it a very late Baroque tone, similar to Johann Sebastian
Bach’s Goldberg Variations.

Diostillrocks says:

I got a 2007 ION. It’s been a great car. I live in an area where cars get
rust spots after 4 or 5 years. That is something I don’t have to worry
about for much of my Saturn. Too bad Saturn stopped with the plastic body
panels. That was something that set themselves apart from other cars.

MacFreaks says:

Haha, I remember seeing this ad on TV! Saturn always has great commercials!

KeaneshapedTardis says:

What’s the name of this song??

DecemberGirl says:

Sonatine Disparu I guess I cant remember

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