My FREE Saturn SL1 is VERY broken

My FREE Saturn SL1 is VERY broken

DIY Alignment Toe Plates:

My Multimeter:

My Diagnostic Scanner:

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I’m just a guy in Kansas playing around in his garage. Come along in my adventures riding, racing, modifying and repairing my small fleet of unusual misfits.



100PercentJake says:

DIY Alignment Toe Plates:

My Multimeter:

My Diagnostic Scanner:

Ram Francisuk says:

Jake use metric it is way easier than imperial

TypeTuber says:

Tighten the Schrader valve. I once bought a brand new OEM AC line and that valve was not properly tightened.

Joel Harris says:

Watching at 2x speed really makes for a spicy, efficient experience

Kevin Chastain says:

two eighths?? also know as 1/4 inch LOL

John Moruzzi says:

I hope the car gets al the good stuff… prices are really reasonable and it should be worthwhile.

It’s amazing how budget cars can last a certain time then everything gives up at half the age of VW Honda Toyota BMW parts… tye previous owner did the right thing parking and ignoring the car, and then passing it on to you guys….

Wannabecowboy004 says:

I have 2 s-series myself and they are cheap easy and dependable vehicles I’ve had mine for 6 going on 7 years with out major problems just check the oil regularly and your golden

Nathan Gmyrek says:

Robot Cantina?

novellahub says:

Good choice in beer from Bouldevard

rpavlik1 says:

They are super easy to work on, yes. Check the oil at every fill up and you won't regret sorting it out, it will give you lots of good service.

Mike Stavola says:

Soldering expert here. And by that I do military grade soldering and teach it. So, soldering doesn't really weaken the wire itself, unless you're using extreme heat. Soldering creates a better electrical connection than a crimp, but the joint itself is the weak point. In high vibration environments, I recommend both a crimp and soldering. Crimp the wire, then wick solder into the joint. Heat shrink on top of that (especially the waterproof kind) makes the joint pretty much indestructible.

Cousin John Car Stuff says:

After measuring the toe, how do you know which one to adjust?

Kevin Kyser says:

Buy 5 Saturns for $5 and fix all the problems on this one.

Excalibur John Deere says:

Jay still got a Honda insight for sale

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