Galaxy Saturn Repair Report

Galaxy Saturn Repair Report

Galaxy Saturn Repair Report for John in VA on 12-28-12 100272.



Bells CB says:

Yes, but hard to see meter when lit with Blue. Your choice.

KG7FHH says:

will 5mm blue 12v dc do?

KG7FHH says:

and im 14 and don’t have any money so I wish I could send it to you but I cant that’s why im asking for help

KG7FHH says:

are the lights 3mm or 5mm

Bells CB says:

Yes the signal is in RX only and drops to zero on TX. The meter lights are 12V

KG7FHH says:

does the signal meter only work on recive and my meter lights wont work are they burnt out or do I need to replace them and if so what size are they

RadioFollies says:

What was wrong with it?

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