Fuel Pump Troubleshooting 2 (updated)

Fuel Pump Troubleshooting 2 (updated)

Saturn s-series Fuel Pump Troubleshooting part 2.



Lester Gross says:

weres the connector on a station wagon sw1

jcisneros1989 says:

I bet the fuel filter is the cause of messed up fuel pump. From my
experience, that’s lack of servicing a vehicle in that area of the fuel and
air compartment.

richpin06a says:

@orgcrew1 Yes the ignition key has to be in the on position.

drunkendJesus says:

I agree. Totally. Always best to use the right terms. It’s not a “30volt
fuse”, just like a test light doesn’t NOT show current! I’m not trying to
knock the poster. In fact, great job other then that slip. I’m looking for
videos to share with a buddy so he can understand this stuff and this is
one I’ve sent.. Thank you videoeer for informing people on the right terms!
(Can you tell I’m an electronic engineer? haha)

richpin06a says:

@orgcrew1 No there will not be voltage there.

richpin06a says:

If you have a owner’s manual you should be able to find the location there.

saturnfan says:

@videoeer really? you came on here to beat the guy up about the two terms
when its clear, you at least knew what he was talking about. just another
internet troll trying to make someone look stupid thats trying to help.
what have you done recently in your life to make a difference outside of
buy the latest Xbox game and 20 bucks worth to Taco Bell?

richpin06a says:

Are you getting voltage at the fuel pump connector in the trunk.And if you
are can you hear the pump running.

J Johnson says:

do the key has to be on for the fuse to be lighted on both sides current in
and out

drunkendJesus says:

@SnowLeopardMike, When you test for Voltage you’re checking potential
difference not Current which is Amperage. Go buy a new pack of batteries,
everyone of those have voltage… none of them have current (yet!) The
thing is, people can get seriously hurt mixing up the two. While the human
body can withstand almost a million volts briefly, less then 0.01A will
kill ANYONE dead. Again, not trying to pull any “holier then thou” crap..
just making sure people know for safety sake.

VWGTI says:

I have a 92` buick lesabre……when the gas tank has 1/4 of tank, the
engine seems to want to die out whenever I brake or on turns. I recently
got the idle control valve changed and that seemed to be a part of the
problem, it still feels like it wants to turn off but not as much anymore.

richpin06a says:

If your hearing the pump run and you have no pressure at the rail then it
has to be the pump or a filter or line problem.

J Johnson says:

what happens when the key is not on will there be current in one side or not

Bill Richardson says:

that little bit about how to test the fuses with the pins, I missed a blown
fuse plucking them out, I know now, always use your meter to test the
fuses, using the pins. Thank you so much Richpin,

richpin06a says:

The filter is the one piece that is between the pump and the rail.

richpin06a says:

@delacerdaa Almost sounds like the pick up in the tank is not picking up
like it should or the sending unit is not reading correct any more.

Bill Richardson says:

@videoeer if there’s voltage, it means current will flow, so when you test
for voltage, you are testing for current.

Reverse Gear says:

Thanks. By this video I would say the relay went. I did the jumper and got
voltage at the fuse. Unique problem I have 97 Saturn left front tire ripped
out the engine harness and all wiring from the PCM under the dash. Rewire
it. Ran fine on stands. Tranny shifted. Everything great. Put it on the
ground. Went 20 feet. Dead! No fuel. Spark is good. I will track down a
relay and try again tomorrow. But I still have that fear all those wires
getting ripped out. That the PCM is going to die.

Diego Ramirez says:

My Ford expedition 2003 does not have fuse under the hood next to the motor
please help!

Diego Ramirez says:

Also my Ford expedition 2003 cranks only but wont star and i reset the fuel
pump valve like the manual said but notjhing works

richpin06a says:

The fuel filter on the 98-02 is more important to keep maintained because
of the fact that it has a fuel regulator built in.

videoeer says:

It’d be helpful if you didn’t say “current” when you mean “voltage.”

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