1998 Saturn SL2 OEM Foglight install

1998 Saturn SL2 OEM Foglight install

This also corresponds with a thread here: http://www.saturnfans.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1872261#post1872261 It has some pics that you can go by to help w…



Ergolicious says:

Thanks for the video, just put fog lights into my 1997 saturn sl2 and they went in without a problem.

jungleking007 says:

There is a link in the description that will lead you to a thread I created detailing the install. the photos you are looking for are posted there. you may need to sign up as a member to see them but if you own a Saturn this is a good website to be on.

tunafishdawgg says:

is it possible for you to send me the photos you used in the video to help with the installation if u still have them

jungleking007 says:

I believe everything is pretty much the same. there would only be slight differences with motor type/size and configuration.

tunafishdawgg says:

i have a sc1 would the fuse box under the hood be in the same order as urs

LeisureForeigner says:

Good job!

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