theSAABguy Repairs: SAAB Information Display SID Replacement of Ribbon Cable

theSAABguy Repairs: SAAB Information Display SID Replacement of Ribbon Cable

This video is another video showing the process of repairing the SAAB Information Display (called the SID) using a replacement ribbon cable from www.pixelfix…



Bowers Wilkins says:

now i have 0 pixels…

Phillimac16 says:

What contacts are you supposed to align on the LCD Panel? I have aligned them however the bottom half of the display seems to be shifted up.

Adina4AllahYAH says:

Greetings first a name explained here… allah Hebrew for the oak tree, and Yah is from HalleluJah/Yah… the Oak Tree is the Tree of Life. Can you tell me how to locate the flasher{for the turn signal} of a 1998 Saab 900S . thank you very much. Donna
here or email The local GMC had charts ect. but after 3hrs couldn’t find the little bugger.

kodiak7438 says:

Sorry. . net

kodiak7438 says:

Hello Saab guy, I have a 1997 900Se turbo, need some help please . Transmission issue. When I first start the car and drive it , it is fine. But if I stop and put it in parkl and then go to drive it it’s start out in 3rd gear as if it is in winter mode ?

emomotorgeek says:

thesaabsite sells these.

obtubi says:

Just like in the video, I had ordered a ribbon cable for SID2 as labelled on the housing but as I tried to replace it, I figured out I needed the SID1 ribbon cable. I had sent an email to the Pixelfix with the hopes of exchanging my order. It only means waiting another two weeks to repair this simple fix. I enjoyed disassembling the unit on my 2001 9-5 wargon model. I’ll keep you posted as it goes. Thanks for the video, it’s very easy to follow.

soniater says:

you can find the motorcycle meter bulb which small take out the dead bulb and you have to soldering the right direction .. bulb have two node find the right node feet when you want soldering…. i have fixed mine with this method

Jay Wells says:

yes the back that the ribbon cable attaches to has the flat black rectangle around the outside. You’ll see the faint points of contact for the ribbon cable if you hold it up to the light correctly.

lal5555f says:

ok first off very helpful video thank you!! second i took my sid apart about a week ago when i ordered my new ribbon cable. i just got my new ribbon cable today and i forgot which was the front or the back on the lcd screen. the back has the flat black rectangle around the outside and the gloss in the middle right? and the front is all the same black?

kompistjuv says:

Thank’s for sharing this!

Jay Wells says:

Yes I can, check out my website and email me.

Jay Wells says:

tin soldering?? You want to avoid any type of soldering in this procedure. Just use thin foam strips to make sure there is pressure holding the connections together. I used a few pieces of tape, but that’s it.

Ted Berger says:

Does this guy make any responses? Yes, I went ebay way as well, ordered both SID2 and SID1 and the ebay seller offere both for the same price – guess he realized the Saab business isn’t getting better any time soon — lol. But I am wondering if I can use some type of what looks like foam strip insulation instead of tin soldering…which I could do but …well …..u know

MsZ0mb says:

Great tutorial, I’l be fixing mine SID soon. I have one question – are there any lightbulbs in the part that goes behind the LCD screen? I think some of mine are dead and I wanted to change them as well – do you know their type?

B Trygar says:

can u fix mine?

Tinmanuk says:

It’s easy enough. just use a small flat blade screwdriver or blunt knife to carefully leaver the unit out from the dashboard being careful not to mark the dash facia or the front of the unit itself. It’s just a case of unplugging it from the car then following the video on here 🙂

Josh Cortez says:

hey how did u get the whole thing out of your car?

Josh Cortez says:

how do you get the LCD housing out of the car on a saab9-9 1999

Tinmanuk says:

Got my replacement ribbon today and fitted it. It’s a bit of a pain to do but well worth the effort

Jason Carson says:

How did the Ebay ribbon work? Did you need the soldering iron like they state on the listing?

Jason Carson says:

I’m also looking at picking one up on Ebay. But theirs say you need a soldering iron to install it? So I was wondering how your install went. Did you have to solder it?

captainbiggles2010 says:

Good vid , any ideas on the saab 9-3 , icm3 sat nav screen repair ?

James D'Addio says:

This guy is great and detailed as needed..Can’t wait to get ribbon in mail the sid2 pulled right out no worries  I’m a little concerned about weather to use foam adhesive if they don’t give me ribbon adhesive tape got on Ebay for 17.00

MrGBmusic says:

Perfect man! The best video on youtube for replacement of the ribbon cable! 🙂

Thebogman123 says:

excellent description……………

SirJW says:

Great video, thanks!

MrRubenmora says:

Thanks man, saved me good money, $19.00 for the ribbon cable from ebay

Juan J Ortiz Jr says:

Great was helpful

staffan larsson says:

where can i buy this

David Loew says:

How do you get that out of the car in the first place?

lal5555f says:

how much is 23 E in American dollars

Milan Shah says:

Excellent !!


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