Saab Trunk Repair Follow Up

Saab Trunk Repair Follow Up

A follow up video for the repair on my trunk wire harness. This is not a permanent fix, but it will work for quite some time.



jrodigan5 says:

All you need is a pair of pliers, a wire connector, and something to strip the rubber off the ends of each side of the broken wire. Once you have some bare copper wire showing, put each end into an end of the wire connector, and use the pliers to squeeze down on each end of the connector so it holds onto the wire and you’re done! Hope this helps, and sorry it took a few days.

Tri D. Nguyen says:

Thank you very much for your update! This is very helpful. I know that it is simple but I have not done it before. Could you be more specific so taht I could try it myself? Like what kind of tools and materials you need, and any tips working on this particular issue?

jrodigan5 says:

Yep! It’s really simple. I will say, though, that this should be considered a temporary repair. Mine lasted about 8 months like this before the connector came off. At that point I removed the entire wiring harness from the trunk and spliced in about 10 inches of extra wire to each wire in the harness for a permanent rpair. Which is also very simple. Message me if you have any more questions, and good luck!

Tri D. Nguyen says:

Thank you very much! I have the same problem today. Opened trunk to put stuff in there, drove home and then couldn’t open it. Will try this method tomorrow.

So you’re saying I can just fix the wiring myself and not have to bring it to the shop? That’d be great.

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