Saab exhaust pipe busted! Dang! hahaha

Saab exhaust pipe busted!   Dang!   hahaha

No big deal, I’ll keep workin’ on it.



gohomeimigrants says:

I have a 2 year emission, so next month I’m having a 3″ downpipe and full exhaust/ glass pack/ tip put in for just under $500 on my 04 Saab 9-3 aero

gohomeimigrants says:

Might as well have from where it is cut/ back to rear replaced. Hello???? Downpipe alone is about $420 if you have a 3″

Matthew55904 says:

ah who needs cats just take it off!! and who needs a horn? u just gotta yell “Watch where ur goin dipshit!!! LOL

blazerlover25 says:

man that was so “exhausting” you was laying down on the job haha btw how is the grave yard keeper job going?I do believe you could be an undertaker with all the dead objects round your house lol(ugly stepsister etc.)

rpeek says:

Cool.  Lookin’ forward to seein’ ’em..

rpeek says:

 They should do away with them everywhere. It’s a huge ripoff..

rpeek says:

That’s my night job. I’m a bungi chord test pilot by day..

rpeek says:

 I’m a grave robber..

rpeek says:

63 Impaller has everything..

rpeek says:

I’ll just keep the top down.. hahaha.

johncartelli says:

hell for a quick fix,,,,use the mig welder and do a quick patch…buy you some got another video coming up showing the headers I am building for Frankenstude…

Chris090883 says:

What do you do for work Rich?

WhoSaidTyler says:

Does 63Impala have a plasma burner?

mulliedog1 says:

down here in Fla they did away with inspections a few years back. thankful for that.

Travis Babcock says:

I am glad I dont have to go threw that inspection. I keep my truck in shape it could past but I had a van with a straight pipe exhaust sound nice but I dont think it would pass lol

shartne says:

crack a window so you dont get gases.

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