MY 03 Saab 9-3 Vector problem solved.

MY 03 Saab 9-3 Vector problem solved.

After 5 months of not being able to drive my Saab because of several issues I saved up the money to buy a ABS Module and replace it. What I found as I was ge…





saturbo1107 says:

Nice!! The only problem with mine is the a/c screen and the driver side seat.. I know the problem is a ground. I tight up some groung bolts around the battery and chassis and now I been able to move the seat again and the a/c screen seems better….. Now today i’m going to check this ground and see whats the condition in there.!!!!! BUt I never hava any problems with my abs or any lights… I got a 2001 saab se 2.0 turbo


the problem is you have a saab why did u get a saav

jarimm says:

Can you comment on what kind of circumstanses you faced the ABS/ESP/TCS problems and did this fix it? We have had numerous Saab 9-3s in Finland and Estonia having ABS/ESP/TCS issue mainly when temperature is -15’C or colder, including my own. The error code Saab gives is C0252 pointing to internal error in the ESP control unit. Would be cool if the issue would be this simple.

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